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Dental implants serve as the closest thing to natural teeth, offering a sturdy and lasting solution to the loss of a single tooth or multiple teeth. They comprise of titanium posts implanted into the jawbone, functioning as roots for the artificial teeth that are mounted atop them. Our Flushing dentist and team are proud to offer this restorative solution to help you regain a healthy, confident smile.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Opting for dental implants grants you a second chance at flaunting a radiant smile. Unlike other dental prosthetics, implants mimic the structure of natural teeth closely, offering an unparalleled level of convenience and comfort. They can restore both your smile and the function of your mouth, aiding in efficient chewing and adding contour to your face, avoiding the sunken look that can result from tooth loss.

The Implant Process

The implant procedure begins with the surgical placement of the titanium post in your jawbone, a process guided by meticulous planning to ensure optimal results. After a period allowing for osseointegration or the fusion of the implant with the bone, an abutment is attached to the implant, serving as the base for your new tooth. The final step is the attachment of a custom-crafted crown to the abutment, culminating in a new, fully functional tooth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Durability: Capable of lasting many years with proper care.
  • Natural Look: Blends seamlessly with your existing teeth.
  • Improved Speech: Eliminates speech difficulties that can occur with other prosthetics.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Since they become part of you, discomfort is significantly reduced.
  • Easier Eating: Allows for easier eating compared to removable dentures.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Will dental implants last a lifetime?

At Sunshine Dental, we craft dental implants to serve you reliably for years, supported by robust personal care routines. Their longevity hinges on diligent oral hygiene practices, wise lifestyle choices, and regular check-ups with us. Our Flushing dentist will guide you through each step, tailoring our care recommendations to help ensure your dental implants provide a durable solution for replacing lost teeth.

Who is the best candidate for dental implants?

Ideal recipients for dental implants generally have one or more missing teeth and a strong jawbone to support the implant. It’s also crucial that they be free of health conditions that could hinder bone healing. Consult with our team at Sunshine Dental to determine if you’re a suitable candidate.

Are dental implants safe?

Absolutely, dental implants are a trusted option in modern dentistry, with a long history of safe use. They are composed of biocompatible materials that seamlessly integrate with your jawbone. We adhere to the highest safety standards at Sunshine Dental to ensure your health and satisfaction.

How do dental implants improve oral health?

At Sunshine Dental, our dental implants help preserve your natural teeth, as they require no alteration of adjacent teeth for placement. Additionally, they promote jawbone health, which is essential for maintaining your oral functionality and facial contours. We’re committed to enhancing these aspects to keep your smile healthy and natural.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

The success rate of dental implants is very high, typically over 95%. Success depends on proper placement, the patient’s health condition, and compliance with care recommendations. At Sunshine Dental, we are committed to achieving the best results for our patients.

Can dental implants help if I have multiple missing teeth?

Absolutely, for individuals with multiple missing teeth, dental implants provide a robust foundation for bridges or dentures. This offers a longer-lasting and more stable alternative to traditional removable prosthetics, significantly improving both the function and aesthetics of your smile. At Sunshine Dental, we are committed to delivering solutions that not only restore your teeth but also enhance your overall dental health and confidence.

Dental implants represent a reliable and long-term solution for individuals looking to replace missing teeth and regain a beautiful, functional smile. Call Sunshine Dental today at 718-591-6100 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Aaron Kohan and see if dental implants in Flushing, New York, are the right choice for you.

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