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Have you ever wondered how a perfectly aligned set of teeth might transform your confidence and appearance? At Sunshine Dental, we provide orthodontic solutions that cater to every age, ensuring a healthier bite and that dream smile you have always yearned for.

Why Choose Braces?

Braces are more than just metal brackets and wires; they are a pathway to a harmonious smile and improved dental health. Our Flushing orthodontist recommends braces to:

  • Correct crooked or crowded teeth
  • Align the upper and lower jaws
  • Reduce the risk of dental issues caused by misaligned teeth
  • Enhance facial aesthetics and boost self-confidence

When you come in for a consultation, Dr. Aaron Kohan will provide a thorough assessment to determine if braces are the right choice for your orthodontic needs.

Your Braces Journey with Us

Embracing the journey of braces is an investment in your dental future. Here is what you can expect at our clinic:

  • Consultation: Dr. Kohan begins with a detailed evaluation of your teeth, jaw alignment, and bite.
  • Customization: Every set of braces we provide is tailored to your unique dental structure and orthodontic needs.
  • Regular Adjustments: Periodic visits ensure your teeth are moving in the desired direction and allow for any necessary adjustments.
  • Debanding: Once the treatment goals are achieved, we will remove the braces and provide you with retainers to maintain the new position of your teeth.

The treatment duration varies depending on individual needs but often ranges from one to three years.

Benefits of Braces

  • Improved Dental Function: Straight teeth enhance chewing and speech.
  • Aesthetic Transformation: Achieve a symmetric, balanced smile.
  • Oral Health Boost: Aligned teeth are easier to clean and maintain, reducing the risk of gum disease and cavities.
  • Jaw Correction: Braces can address bite issues, preventing jaw pain or complications.
  • Long-term Benefits: Addressing orthodontic issues during the formative years can prevent bigger dental problems later in life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Braces

How do I know if I need braces?

If you’re experiencing issues such as crooked or crowded teeth, misalignment of your jaws, or difficulties in chewing or speaking, braces might be beneficial for you. Our expert orthodontist in Flushing, NY, Dr. Aaron Kohan, can conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine if braces are the right solution for your dental needs.

What types of braces are available at Sunshine Dental?

At Sunshine Dental, we offer a variety of braces types to suit different preferences and requirements, including traditional metal braces and clear aligners. Each type has its advantages, and Dr. Kohan will help you choose the best option based on your specific condition and lifestyle.

How long will I need to wear braces?

The duration of wearing braces can vary widely depending on the complexity of the alignment needed. Typically, treatment times range from one to three years. During your consultation, Dr. Kohan will provide an estimated timeline based on a detailed evaluation of your teeth and jaw alignment.

Are braces painful?

While braces can cause discomfort initially or when adjusted, this is typically short-lived. Most patients adjust quickly to the sensations. Our team at Sunshine Dental is committed to ensuring your comfort and can provide tips and care techniques to help manage any discomfort.

How much do braces cost at Sunshine Dental?

The cost of braces depends on various factors, including the type of braces and the duration of the treatment. We offer transparent pricing and flexible payment plans to accommodate our patients’ budgets. For a precise quote, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our Flushing orthodontist.

Will wearing braces affect my daily activities?

Braces may require some adjustments to your daily activities, but they won’t prevent you from participating in sports or playing instruments. We recommend protective gear for sports and might suggest specific adjustments for comfort and safety while playing musical instruments.

How do I maintain my oral hygiene with braces?

Maintaining oral hygiene with braces is crucial for preventing dental issues. We recommend regular brushing and flossing after meals, using an interdental brush for hard-to-reach areas, and routine check-ups for professional cleaning. Dr. Kohan and our dental team will guide you through the best practices for caring for your braces.

What follow-up care is required after braces are removed?

After your braces are removed, you will likely need to wear retainers to maintain the new position of your teeth. The type and duration of retainer use will vary, and Dr. Kohan will provide personalized recommendations to ensure the lasting success of your treatment.

Inspired to pursue the path to a straighter smile? Reach out to us at 718-591-6100 to book a consultation with Dr. Kohan and explore the world of braces in Flushing, New York as well as Forest Hills, Fresh Meadows, and Bayside, NY.

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